Blue Lotus

What is Blue Lotus?

Originating around the Nile and other areas of East Africa, the blue lotus flower (Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea) is a mild psychoactive plant. Its use dates back at least as far as ancient Egyptian civilization, which depicted it in art and hieroglyphs.

Blue lotus can be consumed as a tea, smoked, or mixed with alcohol to elicit its effects, which are generally described as “relaxing and calming”.

Is Blue Lotus Legal in Canada?

Yes, blue lotus is legal in Canada. It is classified as a natural health product ingredient subject to applicable regulation.

Blue lotus is widely available in Canada, and can be purchased over the counter at psychedelic, new age, and natural health food stores.

Medical or Therapeutic Use?

Historically, blue lotus was used for ritual and/or medicinal purposes, including as a natural aphrodisiac.

Though the substance is anecdotally regarded as being relaxing and even providing users with a sense of mild euphoria, rigorous clinical studies on its therapeutic effects are lacking, and it has not been widely recognized as having any particular therapeutic application by the mainstream medical community in Canada.